
Aug 30, 2024 I have graduated cum laude from TU Delft with a Master of Science in Robotics. I extend my deepest gratitude to my supervisors, Dr. Arkady Zgonnikov and Julian Schumann, for their invaluable guidance and support throughout an incredibly rewarding thesis project.
Jul 6, 2024 I am to serve as a volunteer at a full-day workshop and two visits to Cognitive Robotics, TU Delft, at RSS2024. I’m also to give an oral presentation of our soft robot arm paper (RA-L transferred) at IROS2024 on behalf of our team.
Apr 15, 2024 I am seeking Ph.D. opportunities in plannning and/or prediction with deep learning, model predictive control, and/or evolutionary computation. Supports or resources would be greatly appreciated.
Dec 19, 2023 Our paper on soft robot arm design and learnig has been accepted by IEEE RA-L.
Jun 20, 2023 I will begin an internship at Geek+ Inc. (Beijing, China) from early July to the end of September, 2023, working on planning and perception algorithms for AMRs.